Organizers: Janice Hogrefe and Jim Roeger
29th Annual Cheat River Festival (Class II-VI)
Friday, May 5 - Sunday, May 7, 2023
Rain or shine, Cheat Fest is always a good time!“ (Shamelessly stolen from this year’s website, check it out at…
Janice and Jim will arrive Friday early afternoon at Cheat Canyon Campground (3405 N. Preston Highway, Albright, WV 26519) and have a campfire going!
We will do our best to find paddling venues to suit those expressing interest, such
as: Upper Middle Fork River (Class II-III), Cheat Narrows (Class II+), Cheat Canyon (Class III-IV), Dry Fork, Upper Big Sandy, Lower Yough, Casselman, and/or several other runs within an hour drive of camp.
Friday and Saturday evening we’ll head over to the festival for live music and hot food! Check out the kids program! Proceeds go towards the great ecological and legal work of the Friends of the Cheat.
If interested in joining, call/text Janice at 614-747-0400. Hope to see you there!