Spring has sprung – 80 degrees one day, 50 the next. April showers bring May flowers, and good water levels!
Join Mike and Kitty as we paddle this State Scenic Waterway. We’ll be paddling the stretch between Pipesville Rd. and White Chapel Rd. (Pipesville Rd. is between the towns of Howard and Millwood, off State Rd. 36). This is a beautiful section that includes Factory Rapids and Turtle Rock, with ample opportunities to practice your river reading and play skills such as ferries, eddy turns/peel outs, and surfing.
It also includes an opportunity for a short walk to scenic Honey Run Falls.
We’ll be stopping midway for a lunch break. Be sure to bring food, water, sunscreen, and a river change of clothes in case of the unexpected dunking.
PFD’s/life jackets will be mandatory for all, and helmets recommended for kayakers.
For more specific information, including meetup time & place, email Mike at mwadkowski226@gmail.com or text him at 614-746-4700.